
SOLAR PV & Electrical Vehicle Charge Point Installations

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Battery Storage


Save Your Money,
Save Environment!

Solar makes energy independence possible. If you have any questions or need help, contact with our team, or you can call us any time.

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Solar makes energy independence possible. If you have any questions or need help, contact with our team, or you can call us any time.

Das Efx Electrical Battery Storage Solutions

Investing in Battery Storage Systems is now worthwhile after the increase of energy prices. The average payback period for Solar PV with a Battery Storage System can be as short as 7 to 8 years. Generating energy from Solar PV is the most widely used way but while this source of power is clean and renewable, the disadvantage, The daylight hours variable throughout the year. Solar panels will only generate electricity during daylight times. Solar Energy will only be available during the day, Battery Storage will allow you to store unused energy generated during the day to use in no daylight hours. Also, during sun rise and sunset when the sun is low.

Becomeme part of the Renewable Revolution.

Battery storage systems will help you maximise the use of Solar PV making your home more self-efficient, greener, and more sustainable. Battery Storge System will help make better use of the Renewable Energy Generated from solar PV.

You are better storing your energy that isn’t used within the household or business than sell this to the grid. Here is a guide >>> You are better saving 40p per kWh than gaining/being paid 15p per kWh. You can also charge most batteries from off peck electricity from the grid to use on dense cloudy days and short winter days.

Here are several battery storage systems that Das Efx Electrical install.

Maximise the Power of Solar Battery storage become self reliant

Most solar panels installed in the UK work well in low light conditions so some energy can be generated during overcast days/cloudy days to help charge a battery. Solar PV work from photos/sun radiation. Photos/sun radiation penetrates thin cloud covering so the solar panels will generate some energy. Solar panels work best in direct sunlight. A good battery storage system will help you reduce winter energy bills, especially Batteries storing energy is a good idea, using energy generated from your solar panels to use at any time when needed reducing the dependency on the grid.

You will also reduce your carbon emissions from using the renewable energy you generate from the solar panels to run your home or business from a battery storage system. Why generate/produce energy/power that you don’t use Maximise the use of your own little power station. Battery Store Systems will/can reduce energy bills. Das Efx Electrical can buy any battery storage system so if you have a preference do let us know.

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